more about branding
The Write Choice is more than just a copywriting service. What sets us apart from other copywriting services is that we don’t just tailor needs to your business, we focus on your brand.
So, what is the difference between a brand and a business? Excellent question! ’m happy you asked. The term “business” and “brand" refer to different aspects of your company.
When I refer to your business, I’m talking about the professional activities your company conducts with the primary goal of making a profit. When I think about business, I feel it encompasses things like activities, operations, and transactions involved in producing, selling, or providing goods and services to your customers.
A brand on the other hand, is more than just a business; it’s the perception and reputation that people have of you and/or your company. Branding is the emotional connection that you create with your target audience. It’s the values, personality, and identity that you associate with yourself and/or your company.
In my opinion, a good brand is shaped by its quality and integrity, customer experiences, marketing style, messaging, reputation, and visual identity (such as logos, colors, and design). A strong brand is important because it differentiates you from your competitors, builds customer loyalty, and commands premium prices… and we want ALL of those things.
Your brand is the unique story that The Write Choice is here to tell.
Dive into the world of branding and watch our podcast interview with Business Growth Trailblazers. Tune in to learn more about The Write Choice and hear our discussion on all things copywriting, storytelling, and branding.
(Episode Length - 17mins)
Ready to Elevate Your copywriting?
Let's work together to create persuasive storytelling that entices your audience and transforms you from a business to a legacy brand.
copywriting Services
Website content
Shine your online presence with an authentic voice, unique edge and intriguing content that captures attention and creates interest.
Blog posts & Articles
Craft captivating articles that educate, entertain, and keep audiences coming back for more.
Impress prospective employers with articulate and compelling language that underscores your profession, passion, and experience, landing your dream job.

cover letters
Get the career you've always wanted with a tailored cover letter, specific to your prospective job postings. Let's showcase your skills, attributes, and expertise.
resignation letters
It's always hard to say goodbye, especially if you love where you work. Let us help you craft the perfect way to say, sayonara!...In a professional and poised manner, of course.
Pitch decks
Draw investors in with an alluring pitch deck. Whether it's for a TV series, feature film, documentary, or an entrepreneurial idea, we'll assist you in selling your story.
break-up texts
For those awkward moments when you don't know what to say. Let us take the ease out of your already brutal break-up, by crafting one of a kind tone specific texts to your soon-to-be-ex(s).